Showing posts with label Goonies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goonies. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2011

Smorgasbord Monday

Time for Smorgasbord Monday and a buffet of petite web-delights! Let's nosh! 

"Hey You Guys!" These art prints by Jerod Gibson @ 37 posters are blowing my mind. I've got my eyes on this perfect representation of my favorite film The Goonies. WANT.

I really relate to this next video "David After the Dentist." See, between the ages of 8 and 12, I had 6 baby and 4 adult teeth pulled. That's a lot of teeth and a lot of trips to the oral surgeon. After the last round of extractions, my dad bought me a tetherball set for the backyard. I think he figured he'd save money if I just smacked myself in the mouth with a hard plastic ball. There is nothing sadder than an awkward pre-teen playing tetherball by herself. Nothing. God, I love tetherball and I love this video. 

Funny ladies, represent! If you have not seen Bridesmaids yet, then what the heck is wrong with you? It was hands-down the best film (comedic or otherwise) of the summer and that is largely thanks to the genius of Melissa McCarthy. Her performance as "Megan" was the stuff that legends are made of. I'm talking layered, 3-dimensional, hysterical, fearless character work. Proof (as if we needed it) that women can not only get the joke, but also the laugh to go with it. Read this article from GQ about why Melissa McCarthy is changing the way women are being portrayed in Hollywood.

(via GQ)

So, here's to a Labor Day filled with baby ruths, missing teeth, and funny ladies. Hope you had great one!