Showing posts with label Carbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carbs. Show all posts

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rice Pudding Pizza

We ate some delicious food and tried on some gorgeous vintage wear while in New York. 
 Best vintage store ever? Easily Amarcord Vintage Fashion in Soho. I picked up a YSL skirt that I am still not brave enough to wear (I'm working up to it). Hayley bought a necklace by Givenchy that is so beautiful she plans on leaving it in her will to her future imaginary children. 
Funny story, my mom was recognized by a celebrity. While we were in Amarcord, Matthew Modine (of Married to the Mob fame) entered the store to ask if they carried prom dresses. They said yes and he exited to make a phone call. I was like, "That's Matthew Modine, ya'all" and they knew it to be so.

While we were leaving, Matthew Modine tapped my mom on the shoulder and asked, "I'm sorry. Have we met?" She blew him off. At first I totally thought he was trying to pick her up, which on second thought, I'm pretty sure he wasn't. Although, my mom does get hit on a lot. Me not at all. I'm ill tempered and squinty, but my mom is a lovely vivacious woman, so there you go. Anyhoo, my mom was recognized by a celebrity.

 Lombardi's pizza was gooey and delightful. We got two types of pizza: margherita and white. Both were crispy and fresh out of the oven.

 This trip weren't for no faint of heart sissy eaters. We stopped by Rice to Riches for some post-pizza rice pudding. They have the best spoons, one of which I kept and packed in my luggage. I really liked the spoon.

We rounded out the evening with some sky scraping sandwiches at Junior's in Times Square and then a walk to Rockerfeller Plaza. Loooooved Junior's, mostly for the ambiance, but the food was pretty solid as well. If you go try the egg cream (don't worry no egg in it) and the cheesecake and the red devil food cake and the black out cheesecake and well...just try everything.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Introduction to Canary Yellow

Like almost everyone I know who has ever tried to start a blog, I come at this thing for a second time. I just couldn't seem to get my act together. Because in the past, I didn't (and still maybe don't) know who I am, let me first introduce myself by what I now know I believe in. 

I believe in laughter. I'm talking belly laughs and guffaws. I believe in laughing till you cry and crying till you laugh. I believe in eating, and conversation, and whenever possible combining the two without choking. I believe in winks, and nods, and hi-fives, and silly dances. I believe in baked goods. I believe in personification. I believe in kindness and friendship and generosity of spirit. I believe in dignified riots. I believe in postcards, and graffiti. I believe in punchlines and puns and silly-silly words. I believe in comedy and carbs. I believe in yellow, canary yellow.

What is canary yellow you ask? It's a philosophy that I am stealing from the wisest of lyricists, Mr. Oscar Hammerstein.  Simply sung, "When the sky is a bright canary yellow, I forget every cloud I've ever seen."  This blog is going to be filled with things that make me feel canary yellow and I hope that they make you feel canary yellow too :)